News Detail


Apr, 2019

League News

Opening Day

Opening Day is Saturday is April 27th. The day will start with a parade at 9am. Your coaches will share more details soon, but players will need to meet their team by 8:40am. After the short parade, there will be an opening ceremony on the baseball field. Uniforms will be distributed next week. 

Game Schedules

The game schedules for the divisions will be announced soon. We are making the final adjustments and will release when available.

Opening Day Raffle

If  you have not received raffle tickets yet or need more, please email [email protected]. Please return your envelopes (including any unsold tickets) to your coach as soon as you can. We will take tickets up to Opening Day, but it helps if you can return them in advance.  This year we are entering any player who has sold all 10 tickets into a raffle for prizes. We have Mascot Hall of Fame free passes, Oilmen game passes, and more for the players who win the participation raffle. Additional entries are available for every additional 10 tickets sold. 

Sponsorship Opportunities

We do have a few team and sign sponsorships available. If you know of anyone that is interested in helping a team or purchasing a sign, please email [email protected].

Fan/Parents Shirts

We have had some inquiries about shirts from parents that match their player's team. The Junkyard t-shirt shop offers these and is located in Whiting on 119th Street (for anyone interested.)

Local Sponsors